We have in place a range of measures to make our customers feel assured about entering into transactions with us for many years to come.

Fiduciary Duties

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (“MUFG”) has formulated and announced “MUFG Basic Policy for Fiduciary Duties”as a common guideline of the Group so as to enforce its customer-first undertakings.

In addition to adopting the “Principles for Customer-Oriented Business Conduct” established by the FSA, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities undertakes the following initiatives under this basic policy.

Ensure customer-oriented approach

Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities (MUMSS) seeks to enforce, through training etc., judgment and behaviors among its employees based on the MUFG Group Code of Conduct and the MUFG Basic Policy for Fiduciary Duties. In addition, we will strive to improve customer satisfaction by gathering feedback from customers and implementing various measures based on their views in order to achieve the greatest benefits for customers.

Implementing customer-oriented consultation and
provision of information

(1)Implementing customer-oriented consultation and provision of information

  • ・MUMSS seeks to understand customers’ asset management needs accurately and to provide information aligned to their intentions and circumstances.
  • ・We will endeavor to make recommendations appropriate to individual customers’ lifestyles, future goals, asset status and other factors rather than adopting a uniform manner, so that all customers, regardless of their age or investment experience, can feel confident about our assistance.
  • ・We will provide follow-up support and investment status reports and other information in line with customer needs.

(2)Providing detailed information tailored to customers’ level of understanding

  • ・Based on an understanding of individual customers’ knowledge and experience, we will provide information making sure that our presentation can be easily understood by customers, regardless of their age or level of investment experience. When explaining product features, risk levels, fees and other information, we will compare products using Key Information Sheets on individual products and strive to provide explanations that customers can understand well.
  • ・We will adopt a goal-based approach in view of customers’ investment objectives, seeking to make recommendations aligned to customers’ objectives and risk tolerances. We will endeavor to use easy-to-understand presentation tools and documents when making recommendations, also presenting portfolio analyses and model portfolios as necessary.
  • ・We rank products according to price fluctuation and other risk characteristics and offer and undertake sales of products that are appropriate for customers’ risk tolerances and other criteria. In particular, for products with high degrees of complexity or risk, we judge whether to begin solicitation according to criteria set for each product category, including customers’ product comprehension based on such considerations as age and investment experience. For some products, only highly skilled staff members are allowed to give explanations, so as to provide customers with more detailed information. Meanwhile, MUMSS applies a simple procedure to the sale of JGBs with limited risks to individual investors, including providing concise information.

(3)Improvement of transparency of fees so as to contribute to customers’ investment judgment

  • ・To increase transparency concerning fees and charges on individual products and assist customers’ investment decision-making, we will provide Key Information Sheets on individual products (major brands of investment trusts, structured bonds, foreign currency denominated insurance, wraps) for easier understanding of fees and other important matters, at the same time giving careful explanations of the information presented.
  • ・In the Key Information Sheets, from the three perspectives, we will disclose costs to be paid at the time of purchase, costs to be paid on an ongoing basis, and costs according to investment results (in addition, we will disclose origination costs for structured bonds since November 2022). The Key Information Sheets can be used for comparison with similar products. We will continue to expand the number of products covered by the Important Information Sheet.
  • ・In addition, we have started disclosing the upper limit of the commission rate (consideration for sales services) for plane bonds.

(4)Development of a performance evaluation system that reflects customer-oriented undertakings

  • ・Our personnel evaluation system is designed to encourage employees to provide comprehensive advice and solutions that benefit and meet the needs of customers.
  • ・The evaluation system focuses on the development of professional expertise, i.e. the ability to respond to customer needs and to increase the amount of assets that customers entrust to us. We aim to achieve sustainable growth propelled by customer satisfaction.
  • ・We set net increase in assets under custody and net increase in managed assets.We have a personal evaluation system that links the best interests of the customer to the evaluation of the staff.
  • ・Efforts are being made to strengthen awareness throughout our organization by ensuring that all employees and executives, whether they be customer representatives or administrative staff members, are aware of the policies and status of our customer-oriented initiatives.

(5)Initiatives of investment education

    MUMSS will focus on creating an environment that feels accessible to a wide range of customers and on broadening the overall base of investors.
  • ・Enhancement of website content
  • ・Provision of investment brochures and other information to customers
  • ・Provision of online videos and seminars for customers
  • ・Expansion of educational activities concerning finance and economics

Provision of line of products to meet diverse needs

(1)Provision of line of products to meet diverse needs

  • ・We will offer a wide selection of high-quality products to allow each customer to invest their assets in line with their objectives and risk tolerance.
  • We will offer a product lineup including products with low risks or low fees so as to allow as many customers as possible including those with little investment experiences to utilize its services. It also seeks to improve convenience in the utilization of online transactions and periodic investment plans and thereby to allow customers of broad age groups to use its services.

(2)Selection of products that contribute to customers’ asset building and provision of sales procedures

  • MUMSS will select products and services that contribute to customers’ benefits from among many product designs proposed by a variety of investment management firms, insurance companies etc. while utilizing evaluations by external assessment agencies when necessary. In addition, we strive to implement the following undertakings so as not to give priority to the products of our business affiliated companies and not to recommend only products that generate high fees on sales when selecting, temporarily ceasing, suspending, discontinuing, resuming and selling products.

■At the time of selecting, temporarily ceasing, suspending, discontinuing, and resuming products

The products we handle are selected from among the same types of products taking into account the “selection points” noted below. Selection is made by an internal meeting that includes representatives of our compliance department. From now on, we will enhance our efforts to reflect customers’ opinions in the selection of products, etc.

<Selection points>
1.Risks of products
4.The needs of the anticipated sales customers, appropriateness, and compatibility with the investment environment
5.The complexity of the product structure, the level of difficulty in explaining products, and sales channels
6.Structures for training and support for the executives and employees of sales companies by investment management firms
7.Conformity with related laws and regulations

■At the time of sale

We do not provide excessive incentives for handling products of our business affiliated companies in order to ensure that we propose to customers optimal products for their needs. In addition, in our performance evaluations of sales staff we do not give preference to sales of products of our business affiliated companies over those of non-business affiliated companies. Furthermore, our second line of defense periodically monitors activities using AI and other tools to ascertain that our sales activities do not place undue emphasis on products that generate high fees or otherwise run counter to customers’ wishes, thereby ensuring that our recommendation process is conducted appropriately.

Provision of financial services leveraging the Group’s consolidates strength

  • ・To meet customers’ diverse needs, MUMSS strives to make proposals that leverage the consolidated strength of the MUFG Group and Morgan Stanley. We will also enhance development of organizational structures that respond to customers’ diverse needs and continue to make proposals reflecting customers’ intentions to satisfy their changing needs.
  • ・MUMSS makes comprehensive proposals not only on investment products but on support for inheritance and succession according to customers’ life cycles and needs.

Establishment of a structure enabling comfortable, secure and safe transactions

    We offer a variety of transaction methods based on digital technology in order to provide greater convenience to customers in their transactions.
  • ・We will provide consultation and assistance over the telephone and remotely via personal computer, smartphone and other internet devices so that all customers, even those who have difficulty visiting our offices, can receive asset management support easily.
  • ・We will offer service programs that allow investment consultation by chat or email and strive to provide support that is not limited by time or tool.
  • ・MUMSS seeks to improve customers’ convenience based on the notion of “open innovation” by proactively utilizing technologies and ideas that it acquires from Japan and other countries in cooperation with external companies and research institutions, including the introduction of new additional services and functions provided through digital channels.
  • ・MUMSS, day by day, improves the security of its online trading and other systems to enable customers to conduct transactions with a sense of security.

Exertion of professionalism

  • ・We strive to serve as true professionals in order to respond to the diverse needs of our customers and gain their respect, as well as that of society at large.
  • ・We have renewed our training system for developing and retaining highly-capable professionals and are using a support system (human resource technology) for the development of practical skills and high-level expertise.
  • ・In addition to encouraging employees to acquire official certification as financial planners, securities analysts, real estate transaction agents and other specialists, we have defined the ideal financial professional, thereby creating an environment that inspires employees toward a higher level of professionalism through self-development in the areas of expert knowledge, power of execution, and ability to conceptualize and plan.
  • ・Furthermore, we will establish a system for building good relations with customers over the long term and encourage employees to develop greater professionalism, thereby enhancing our ability to help customers achieve their life plans.

Our Effort to Increase Customer Satisfaction

Response to Comments from Customers

MUMSS has arrangements in place for hearing the voice of customers through various portals. Head Office and sales branches share information and work actively to resolve issues and make improvements in order to reflect the “voice of customers” in enhanced customer service and improved operations.

We listen to the voice of customers at sales branches.
The “voice of customers” is heard through sales activities (visits and telephone calls) by sales staff, executives and managers.
We listen to the voice of customers at call centers.
The “voice of customers” is heard at call centers that are the reception portals for online trading and telephone trading.
We listen to the voice of customers at the Customer Service Division.
The Customer Service Division handles inquiries via the website and “voice of customers” input addressed directly to the Head Office.
We listen to the voice of customers through customer satisfaction surveys.
We conduct an annual survey regarding customer satisfaction, expectation levels, requests and other matters.
The voice of customers is reported to concerned divisions in the Head Office, and the relevant divisions work together, continuously holding meetings of the “Review Committee for Voices of Customers and Employees” where issues and improvement measures are discussed and studied, and various improvement measures are formulated and implemented.
Status on implementation of improvements is reported to management, while alerts and notices are disseminated through various company-wide media.
We listen to the voice of customers through customer satisfaction surveys.

MUFG Awareness Survey

At MUMSS, we conduct the “MUFG Awareness Survey,” a poll on employee attitudes to discover issues related to the Company’s compliance, brand, CSR and other matters, and put these to use in future policies. With regard to compliance in particular, we implement a range of measures to achieve voluntary compliance in which we think and act autonomously according to professional ethics as specialists in the securities market and as a member of the MUFG Group.

Business Manners

Business manners are the basis of the quality of character.
At MUMSS, we have initiatives to ensure that customers do not have an unpleasant experience, including drawing up “Dress Code Guidelines;” distributing the “Business Manner Handbook,” a compilation of manners for serving customers, to all employees; and improving how telephone calls are answered.
Business manners for answering telephone calls are not simply a matter of the sales staff being polite to the customer. We believe that it is important for officers and employees who do not have opportunities to come into direct contact with customers to bear this in mind on a daily basis, and so we conducted a survey of actual conditions at all divisions in the Head Office from December 2009 to November 2010, providing feedback to the results each time. All officers and employees will continue to promote thorough awareness of this issue, and to enhance the Company’s image and reputation.