Internship Program "Dynamics of the Stock Market"

Internship Program "Dynamics of the Stock Market" has been available since 2014, and the number of junior high and high school students who have taken classes so far has reached more than 4,500 students from 65 schools.
Students participating in this program undertake internships with the Company. Students learn about the structure and functions of stocks hands-on while working on activities such as quizzes and games, and express the results as newspaper advertisements that convey the power of stocks.
In addition, outstanding teams are invited to the head office to give presentations to Executives, including the Chairman and President of our Company.
Executives who participated commented on the significance of stock investment and the presentations from the perspective of management and sentd supportive messages to students who will lead the next generation.
Students who took part in the program gave positive feedback such as "I became interested in stocks," "I wanted to invest in stocks in the future," "I wanted to start a business," and "I started watching TV the news."
Teachers at the schools also commented that it the program was a catalyst for students to turn their attention to society and that it was a valuable opportunity to learn about financial functions not covered in ordinary classes.
Our employees, who served as instructors, were also stimulated inspired by communicating with the students, saying, "I remembered my passion when I joined the company."