We aim to be the entity known for “When it comes to ESG, it’s MUMSS.”

We are your “first call” securities company

As the core securities company of the MUFG Group, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities strives to embody its purpose defined in the MUFG Way, “Committed to empowering a brighter future.” Each of our officers and employees hones their expertise as a professional and continues to take on challenges to change for the better.
Recognizing the social mission that we should fulfill as a financial institution, we engage in efforts that contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
We consider customers, the next generation, society and employees as our important stakeholders, and promote activities to increase engagement with these four groups of stakeholders.

Our aim is to become the most reliable securities company, so that people will consider MUMSS to be synonymous with ESG and give us their first call.

Next generation

Customer engagement

MUFG is expanding its activities in line with the UNEP-FI* Customer Service Model. Similarly at MUMSS, we provide ongoing support to our customers and carry out engagement activities related to the climate change business, etc.

Customer engagement

Customer engagement

*UNEP-FI: The United Nations Environment Programme - Financial Initiatives (UNEP-FI) is extensive and close partnership between the United Nations Environment Programme and financial institutions around the world including banks, insurance companies and securities companies. UNEP-FI facilitates the transition to financial systems that integrate economic development and environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations.

Related initiatives

Next generation

Initiatives related to our product proposals

At MUMSS, we check the ESG-related criteria as part of the process to introduce the investment trusts that we propose. In addition, we will perform due diligence under the same criteria for the investment trusts that we currently offer. Through these efforts, we aim to incorporate a fixed level of ESG criteria into our lineup of investment trusts.

Next generation

Sustainable finance

MUFG has set a target of providing a cumulative 35 trillion yen in sustainable finance by 2030 (of which 18 trillion yen is for -finance in the environmental f-ield) to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society and the achievement of the SDGs through the provision of financial services to our customers. At MUMSS, we actively support our customers in their ESG activities, and thereby increase the amount of our sustainable finance.

Next generation

Turning our officers and employees into ESG specialists

We encourage each of our employees in accumulating ESG knowledge and having a sense of commitment so that we can enhance engagement with our stakeholders. We hold internal study sessions by experts and encourage all officers and employees to take certificate exams.

Turning our officers and employees into ESG specialists

Certificate examinations in scope

  • “Sustainable Management / CSR Certification Level 2” by Alterna Co., Ltd.
  • “Sustainability Officer,” “SDGs/ESG Basics” by Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs, Inc.
Next generation

Employee engagement

At MUMSS, we believe we can achieve sustainable growth and enhance our corporate value by increasing employee engagement through participation-based projects. Here are some of our key initiatives.

ESG policy recommendation project by our younger employees

In this project, employees learn the overall aspects of sustainability such as climate change and biodiversity, and make direct recommendations to the company on issues it should address. Younger employees also actively promote sustainability activities.

ESG policy recommendation project by our younger employees

Examples of our programs

Lecture on sustainability management

Participants broaden their knowledge on ESG through lectures by experts.

Related initiatives

Environmental and social
contribution activities

ESG study sessions

We periodically hold ESG study sessions and opinion exchange sessions for all officers and employees to further their understanding.
We invite not only experts within MUMSS and the Group, but also external experts, so that employees can learn from global trends and data-based analyses.

Related initiatives

Our Efforts toward Employees
Next generation

Financial and Economic Education

Financial and Economic Education

MUMSS considers financial and economic education to be a main pillar of our social contribution activities, and has been focusing on promoting related initiatives.

Financial and Economic Education

To embody our tagline “MUMSS Is Synonymous with ESG”

ESG Promotion System

MUMSS has established a system for discussing and reviewing various important issues related to ESG. Each working group comprised of relevant departments has active discussions and administers policies.
We will continue to build on our system by establishing appropriate meeting bodies and forming working groups to embody our tagline “MUMSS Is Synonymous with ESG.”

ESG Promotion System

*PT: Abbreviation for “Project Team”